What we do
Agriculture– is the backbone for economic growth and improves the living standard of people from extreme poverty, MAFO will mobilize women farmers as well as stakeholders to increase yields and quality in agriculture, enable local processing, and link women’s groups to markets. MAFO will organize and develop capacity of local women farmers through a cooperative model, using climate-change informed agricultural improvements, local processing of products, and a systems-based approach to create strategic marketing connections. Feedback mechanisms will enable continuous peer-to-peer learning and adaptation and to contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals (2 and 5).
Education-Access to good quality public education is one of the most powerful weapons. Education provides marginalised people with a ‘virtual’ income, which boosts opportunities for marginalised people, and increases the likelihood of social mobility, engage community actors, and connect schools with government for free quality education, in Falaba district, we have advocated for the approval of untrained and unqualified teachers to be approved and government to pay attention to the deplorable educational condition of the district, provide the space for new generations to understand and take part in addressing educational challenges, and financing mechanisms that facilitate quality education for all and the full achievement of SDG 4.
Health– Sierra Leone has a resilient health system that is responsive to its demands, advocate for investment in the health system of the country, accountability measures that will beneficial to the citizenry and government to manages preventable diseases.
Accountability– We have a five member Board that meets quarterly and provides technical oversight, advice and overall policy direction to Management and staff. Programs and projects are coordinated and implemented by a team of ten staff members and several volunteers being headed by the Lead Programme Head. Our day to day decision making is through consultations and is participatory and promotes team work.